- Boundaries with Teens, Dr. John Townsend
- I'm Not Bad, I'm Just Mad, Lawrence E Shapiro, Zach Petla-Heller, Anna F. Greenwald
- Seven Solutions for Burned-out Parents, Dobson
- Self Matters: Creating Your life from the Inside Out, Phillip C. McGraw
- Ask Supernanny, Jo Frost
- Nanny 911, Carroll and Reid
- Parenting from Your Strengths: Understanding Strengths and Valuing Differences in Your Home, Trent, Cox and Tooker
- The Parent’s Handbook, Dinkmeyer and McKay (2 copies)
- Queen Bee Moms & Kingpin Dads, Wiseman
- The Effective Parent, Dinkmeyers, McKays
- Help your Child get into Reading, A Family Literacy Journal, Mates
- Speaking of Sex, What your Children Need to Know and When they Need to Know it, Hickling
- Safe Kids Safe Families, Protect your Kids at Home, at School and on the Internet, Wilson
- The anger Habit in Parenting, A New Approach to Understanding and Resolving Family Conflict, Semmelroth
- Nurturing the Shy Child, Practical Help for Raising Confident and Socially Skilled Kids and Teens, Markway and Markway
- Violence Proof your Kids Now, How to Recognize the 8 Warning Signs and What to do about them, Karres
- Mom, They’re Teasing Me, Helping Your Child Solve Social Problems, Thompson, Cohen and Grace
- Siblings without Rivalry, How to Help Your Children Live Together So You Can Live Too, Faber and Mazlish
- Manners from Heaven, The easier way to better behaviour for all the family, Davoren and Carr
- Family First, Your Step by Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family, McGraw
- Family First Workbook, Your Step by Step Plan for Creating a Phenomenal Family, McGraw
- Because it’s not Wrong Doesn’t Make it Right: from toddlers to teens, teaching kids to think and act ethically, Coloroso
- Loving without Spoiling: and 100 other Timeless Tips for Raising Terrific Kids, Samalin
- Raising Kids Who Can: use good judgement, assume responsibility, communicate effectively, respect self and others, cooperate, develop self-esteem and enjoy life, Bettner and Lew
- The Everything Parent’s Guide to Raising Siblings: Eliminate Rivalry, Avoid Favortism and Keep the Peace, Sonn
- See Jane Hit: Why Girls Are Growing More Violent and What we Can Do About It, Garbarino
- Hold on to Your Kids: Why Parents Need to Matter More than Peers, Neufled and Mate
- The Bully, the Bullied and , the Bystander: From Pre-School to High School – How Parents and Teachers Can Help Break the Cycle of Violence, Coloroso
- Real Kids Come in All Sizes: 10 Essential Lessons to Build your Child’s Body Esteem, Kater
- Playful Parenting: An Exciting New Approach to Raising Children that will Help You – Nurture Close Connections,Solve Behaviour Problems, Encourage Confidence, Cohen
- Childhood Unbound: Saving Our Kids’ Best Selves – Confident Parenting in a World of Change, Taffel
- How You Feel is Up To You: the Power of Emotional Choice, McKay and Dinkmeyer
- The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Families, Covey
- How to Behave: So Your Children Will, Too! Severe
- Win the Whining War and Other Skirmishes: A Family Peace Plan, Whitham
- Helping Your Child Overcome Separation Anxiety or School Refusal: A Step by Steo Guide for Parents, Eisen and Engler
- Setting Limits with your Strong-Willed Child: Eliminating Conflict by Establishiing CLEAR, Firm and Respectful Boundaries, MacKenzie
- Freeing your Child from Negative Thinking, Chansky
- Children at Risk – What you Need to Know to Protect Your Family, Dobson and Bauer
- Perfectionism, Adderholdt-Elliott
- After the Tears – Parents Talk about Raising a Child with a Disability, Simons
- A Good Enough Parent, Bettelheim
- Essentials of Adlerian Psychology, Dreikurs
- 3 Steps to a Strong Family, Eyre
- Self-Esteem – A Family Affair, Clarke
- Parenting with Fire – Lighting up the family with Passion and Inspiriation, Boteach
- E-Parenting – Keeping up with Tech-Savvy Kids, Cindrich
- Screamfree Parenting, Runkel
- Becoming a Family – Promoting Healthy Attachments with your Adopted Child, Eshleman
- Parenting through Crisis, Coloroso
- The Parent’s Success Guide to Organizing, Dismore
- The Parent’s Success Guide to Managing a Household, Dismore
- Growing up Again, Parenting Ourselves, Parenting our Children, Clarke and Dawson
- Parenting Young Children, Dinkmeyer, McKay and Dinkmeyer
- The Secret of Happy Children, Biddulph
- Raising Freethinkers – A Practical Guide for Parenting Beyond Belief, McGowan, Matsumura, Metskas and Devor
- Little Big Minds, McCarty
- What All Children Want Their Parents to Know – 12 Keys to Raising a Happy Child, Loomans
- The Schools our Children Deserve – Moving Beyond Traditional Classrooms and Tougher Standards, Kohn
- Help Your Child Learn to Read, Root
- Nanny 911 – Expert Advice tor all your Parenting Emergencies, Carroll and Reid with Moline
- 13 Dynamics of Raising Great Kids, Koenig (Audio)
- What to Expect: The Toddler Years,Eisenburg, Murkoff, Hathaway
- Moms and Dads’ Guide To…Your Child: The Terrific Twos, Bishop
- Help-My Kid is Driving Me Crazy, Swason
- The Everything Parent’s Guide to Dealing With Bullies, Carpenter
- The Leader In Me – How Schools and Parents Around The World Are Inspiring Greatness, One Child at a Time, Covey
- The Moral Intelligence of Children, Coles
- Punished With Rewards – The Trouble With Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A’s, Praise, and Other Bribes, Kohn
- The Seven Habits of Happy Kids, Covey
- Ask An Expert – Answers Every Parent Needs To Know, Halsey
- Character Is The Key – How To Unlock The Best in Children And Ourselves, Dimmerman
- The reading Solution – Make Your Child A Reader For Life, Kropp
- Nurture Shock – New thinking about Children, Bronson and Merryman
- Parenting With Love & Logic, Cline and Fay
- Enjoy the ride – Tools, Tips, and Inspiration for the Most Common Parenting Challenges, Martyn
- The Schools Our Children Deserve, Kohn
- Unplug the Christmas Machine – A Complete Guide For Putting Love and Joy Back Into the Season,, Robinson and Coppock Staeheli
- In the Realm Of Hungry Ghosts: Close Encounters With Addictions, Mate
- The Worried Child: Recognizing Anxiety in Children and Helping Them Heal, Foxman
- Reaching The Difficult Child And Teen, Taylor
- Coping With An Anxious or Depressed Child, Cartwright-Hatton
- Why Did you Die? Activities To Help children Cope With Grief And Loss, Leeuwenburgh and Goldring
- Blue Sky July: A Mother’s Story of Hope and Healing, Wyn
- Notes Left Behind, Desserich
- Everything Parent’s Guide to Raising Boys (2nd Edition), Erwin
- Early Intervention & Autism– Real-life Questions, Real Life Answers, James Ball
- A Parents Guide to Inclusive Education
- Autism Encyclopedia:The Complete Guide Autism Spectrum Disorders, Boutot/Tincani
- The Big Book of Parenting Solutions, Michele Borba
- The Whole-Brain Child, Siegel/Bryson
- iRules, Hofmann
- The 5 Love Languages of Children, Chapman/Campbell
- Your Anxious Child, Dacey/Fiore
- Freeing Your Child From Anxiety, Chansky
- When Your Child has Been Molested, Kathryn Brohl
- The Gifts of Imperfection, Brene Brown
- When Perfect Isn't Good Enough, M. Antoney and R. Swinson
- Can I Tell You About Gender Diversity?, CJ Atkinson
- Helping Your Transgender Teen, Irwin Krieger
- Raising The Transgender Child, Dr. Michel Angello and Alisa Bowman
- Becoming an Ally to The Gender-Expansive Child, Anna Bianchi
- Beyond Magenta-Transgender Teens Speak Out, Susan Kuklin
- The Gender Quest Workbook, Rylan Testa, Deborah Coolhart, Jayme Peta
- Healing Your Grieving Heart after Stillbirth, Wolfelt & Maloney
- Empty Arms-Support for those who Have Suffered a Miscarriage, Stillbirth or Tubal Pregnancy, Pam Vredevelt
- Parenting from the Inside Out, Siegel and Hartzell
- A Sober Mom's Guide to Recovery, O'Connor
- How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk, Faber and Mazlish
- We Need to Talk: Tough Conversations with Your Kids, Heyman
- Connecting with Your Kids, Smith
- Just Between You and Me: An Interactive Journal for Parents and Their Children, Rumpf
- Oh, What You Said!: A Journal for Recording the Surprising Things Children Say, Boston Mills
- 10 Conversations you Need to Have with Your Children, Boteach
- Ten Talks Parents Must have With their Children About Sex and Character, Schwartz and Cappello
- Talking To Your Kids About Sex, Berman
- Questions Kids As About Sex: Honest Answers for Every Age, Thomas Fitch
- Fundamentals of Adlerian Psychology, Rudolf R. Dreikers,M.D.
- Connecting With Your Kids,move from chaos to closeness, Timothy Smith
- Kids Are Worth It! Raising resilient,responsible, compassionate kids, Barbara Coloroso
- Supernanny: How to get the best from your children, Jo Frost
- If I Have to Tell You One More Time…The Revolutionary Program That Gets your Kids To Listen Without Nagging, reminding, or Yelling, Amy McCready
- How to Talk so Kids will Listen & Listen so Kids will Talk, Faber/Mazlish
- So You’re Going to be a Dad, Peter Downey
- If We Ever Break Up, This is My Book, Logan
- The Pocket Idiot’s Guide to Being an Expectant Father, Joe Kelly
- Daddy Needs a Drink: An Irreverent Look at Parenting from a Dad Who Truly Loves His Kids – Even When They’re Driving Him Nuts, Wilder
- They Call Me Dad: The Practical Art of Effective Fathering, Canfield
- Better Homes and Gardens New father Book: What Every New Father Needs to Know to Be a Good Dad, Horn, Rosenberg
- The Guy’s Guide to Surviving Toddlers, Tantrums and Separation Anxiety* (*yours, not your kids), Michael Criders
- So, You’re Going to be a Dad, Downey
- Best Things Fathers Do: Ideas and advice from Real World Dads, Glennon
- What to Expect When Your Wife is Expanding: A Reassuring Month-by-Month Guide for the Father-to-Be, Whether He Wants Advice or Not, Hill
- Fatherneed – Why Father Care is as Essential as Mother Care for Your Child, Pruett
- 52 Things Kids Need from a Dad, Payleitner
- The Single Mom’s Guide to Finding Joy in the Chaos, Colopy
- Mom, There’s a Man in the Kitchen and he’s Wearing your Robe: The Single Mother’s Guide to Dating Well without Parenting Poorly, Fisher
- How to Rescue your Child from the Obesity Threat, Larimore, Flynt and Halliday
- Overcoming Childhood Obesity, Thompson and Shanley
- The Secret Life of Super Mom: How the Woman Who Does It All Does It, Buckwort
- When You’re About to go off the Deep End, Don’t Take Your Kids with You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Permanently Eliminate Chaos and Frustration in Your Home and unleash the Ultimate Mom Within You, Nault
- Dear Mom – Everything Your Teenage Daughter Wants You To Know But Won’t Tell You, Carlson
- Mom, They’re Teasing Me: Helping Your Child Solve Social Problems, Thompson, Cohen, O’Neill Grace
- Strong Mothers, Strong Sons, Meeker