- 10 Days to a Less Distracted Child, Bernstein
- Your Hyperactive Child: A Parent`s Guide to Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder, Ingersoll
- Raising Your Spirited Child: A Guide for Parents whose child is more intense, sensiteive, perceptive, persistent, energetic, Kurcinksa
- Maybe You Know My Kid: A Parents` Guide to Identifying Understanding and Helping Your Child with attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Fowler
- The New Strong-Willed Child, Dobson
- Reaching the Difficult Child & Teen: Mega Answers for Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Taylor
- Attention Deficit Disorder-A different perception, Hartmann
- Helping your ADD Child-Taylor
- Scattered Minds-The Origins and Healing of Attention Deficit Disorder, Mate